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Title: Prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease (IBD) in Small Scale Commercial Broiler Farms in Ramu, Cox’s Bazar, Bangladesh
Authors: Hossain, Sajjad
Keywords: Broiler , IBD, Post-mortem, Prevalence, Ramu upazilla, Small scale farms.
Issue Date: Nov-2017
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: Sixty broiler chickens from sixty different small scale farms of Ramu upazilla under Cox’s bazar district were studied for one month from 1st March to 1st of April 2017 to determine the prevalence of Infectious bursal disease (IBD). On the basis of clinical history and post-mortem lesions, the overall prevalence of IBD in Ramu upazilla was 23.33% whereas highest prevalence was observed in Rajarkul union (40%). The major necropsy lesions were observed in the bursa of Fabricious which appeared inflamed, edematous, swollen and finally hemorrhagic and atrophied. Birds of age group 20-35 days were highly susceptible to IBD (33.33%) followed by age group 10-19 days (15.79%) and 1-9 days (0.00%). The effect of vaccination against IBD was found highly significant as the prevalence of IBD in non-vaccinated and vaccinated birds were 80% and 4.44% respectively. Strong statistical correlation (P=0.018) was observed between insufficient bio-security and IBD infection in broiler farms.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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