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Title: Caesarean section of a Persian cat: A surgical inter-vention for management of dystocia due to partial pri-mary uterine inertia
Authors: Paul, Partha
Issue Date: Nov-2023
Publisher: A Clinical report presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)
Abstract: The incidence of dystocia in cats is relatively low compared to that in other pet and farm animals. However, when dystocia occurs in cats, manual, medicinal, or surgical intervention is required. This case report is mainly focused on dystocia in a cat case, and a caesarian section has been done for it. A one-year-old Persian cat has been brought into a Teacher and Training pet hospital in Dhaka with dystocia symptoms. The queen delivered the new-born kitten 22 hours earlier and was unable to deliver the next kitten. After 3 hours, the newborn died. The queen was depressed, off-feed, and made no straining effort. On the X-ray report, we found two fetuses remaining in her uterine horn, and the ultra-report found one was heartbeat present and the other was absent. The queen was diagnosed with dystocia due to partial primary inertia. After the medicinal treatment, when it did not work, a c-section was performed. A C-section was performed, and without any complications, the dead fetus and live fetus were expelled from the uterine horn. The queen recovered fully. To the best of our knowledge, we are here for the first time with a successful surgery on a dystocia case of a Persian cat due to partial primary inertia > 22 hr.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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