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Authors: Akter, Sharmin
Keywords: Broiler, infectious bursal disease, Clinicopathology, Blood samples, Flock size, Mirsarai.
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-Ctg
Abstract: The present study was conducted in 12 broiler farms of Mirsarai upazilla for the investigation of Infectious bursa disease (IBD) during May-June 2013.Necropsy of 50 broiler birds from different farm of Mirsarai upazilla was carried out to investigate the disease.7 Blood samples were collected & Haematological parameters were estimated. Among the gross changes, frequency of swollen bursa of fabricious were found mostly 20 and other lesions such as pus in bursa 15, haemorrhage in bursa 6, gelatinous fluid around the bursa 8, caseous mass in bursa 6, atrophied bursa 8.Other lesions in different organs also like as haemorrhage in the junction of proventriculus and gizzard 10 , mucous exudates in upper intestine 14, haemorrhage in the breast and thigh muscle 15. Striking destruction of lymphocytes in the bursal follicles were the major histopathological changes. Among the different farms, it was observed that the highest percentage of IBD infection was recorded in those farms where the flock size was >1500 in compare to flock size <1500. In these study, occurance of IBD (alone) was 36%, with ND 14%, with coccidiosis 30%, with colibacillosis 20%. In these study, blood parameters are, highest Hb (mg/dl) 14 in sample 5, PCV 32% in sample 2, ESR 2, TEC(106/cu mm) 2.69 in sample 5, Lymphocyte 78 in sample 2, Monocyte 9 in sample 4, Heterophil 37 in sample 2, Eosinophil 11 in sample 4, Basophil 4 in sample 5.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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