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Authors: Palash Chandra Dey
Keywords: Poultry diseases, Prevalence, Cox’s Bazar, Postmortem lesions, Age.
Issue Date: Mar-2014
Publisher: Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-Ctg
Abstract: A cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the prevalence of common poultry diseases at Ramu Upazilla under Cox’s Bazar district of Bangladesh. The study was undertaken during the period of May 2013 through June 2013. Sick or dead birds were collected from Upazilla Veterinary Hospital where the farmers brought their birds for diagnosis. A total of 79 sick/dead birds from different commercial poultry farms were examined. Tentative diagnosis was made on the basis of clinical history, clinical findings and post-mortem lesions. Among the bird examined, 61 was broiler and 18 was layer. In broiler, the prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease, Newcastle Disease, Colibacillosis, Coccidiosis, Omphalitis, Aspergillosis, Visceral Gout and Salmonellosis was 31.15%, 24.59%, 13.11% ,11.47% , 9.84%, 4.92%, 3.28% and 1.64% respectively. In relation to the age of broiler, the highest number of cases was recorded in the age group of > 21 days (40.97%), followed by the age group of 15-21(29.51%), 0-7 (16.40%) and 8- 14 days (13.12%). In layer, the prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disease, Newcastle Disease, Colibacillosis, Coccidiosis, Omphalitis, Aspergillosis, Visceral Gout and Salmonellosis was 16.67%, 11.11% , 16.66%,11.11% , 11.11%, 5.56%, 5.56% and 22.22% respectively. According to the different age groups of layer, the highest number of cases was recorded in grower period (38.89%), followed by the age group of layer period (33.34%) and pullet period (27.77%). The prevalence of Infectious Bursal Disaese( 31.15%) was higher in broiler in comparison to layer (16.67%). On the other hand, the prevalence of Salmonellosis (22.22%) was significantly (P<0.05) higher in layer compared to broiler (1.64%).
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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