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dc.contributor.authorMamun, Md. Abdullah Al-
dc.description.abstractA 5 day old male calf with the complain of non-passage of faeces since birth was brought to the SAQTVH,CVASU.On clinical observation,it was found that the calf was not having anal opening.There was soft subcutaneous swelling below the ischial arch with distension of abdomen .The signs of straining,depression,tenesmus and abdominal pain were observed.The case was diagnosed as Atresia Ani and referred to surgery. 2% Lidocaine hydrochloride (JasocaineR,JaysonPharmaceuticals,Bangladesh) was used for local anaesthetics and Diazepum for sedation.. Then the cage was surgically corrected by making a permanent anal orifice. Surgical intervention is the only technique of choice for the treatment in such acute abdominal discomfort and it was attempted successfully in this present case.Postoperative treatment is Inj amoxicillin @10mg/kg ,IM for 5 days and Inj Meloxicam 0.5mg/kg ,SC for 5 days..This surgery is recommended for all ruminant as it saves lifeen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty Of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi,Chattogramen_US
dc.titleA Case Report on Surgical Correction and Management Atresia Ani in a newborn Calf in SAQTVH,CVASUen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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