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dc.contributor.authorRabbi, Farzana-
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted in a renowned pharmacautical company Renata as Renata Agro Industries limited Poultry Farm,Bhaluka,Mymensingh from 1st January to 30th January 2013. The objective of the study was to compare the care, management & production performance like the body weight gain, egg production percentage and hatchability percentage of egg,egg weight,mortality percentage of Cobb 500 broiler parent stock in the existing management system of Renata Agro Industries limited Poultry Farm,Bhaluka,Mymensingh with the recommended care, management, production performance according to the“ Cobb 500 Breeder Management Guide”. The result of the study reveals that the average observed weekly body weight gain and recommended body weight gain of Cobb 500 female at 24weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks, of age were 3007gm vs 2900gm, 3340gm vs 3300gm , 3515gm vs 3480gm respectively .The average observed weekly body weight gain and recommended body weight gain of Cobb 500 male at 24weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks of age were 3500gm vs 3495gm , 3980gm vs 3950gm , 4150gm vs 4092gm respectively .The average observed weekly egg production percentage and recommended egg production percentage of Cobb 500 at 24weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks of age were 2% vs 5% ,70% vs 78%, 83%vs 83% respectively .The average observed weekly hatchability percentage of egg and recommended hatchability percentage of egg of Cobb 500 at 24weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks of age were 73% vs 72%, 84.5% vs 84%, 88.9% vs 88% respectively.The average observed weekly egg weight and recommened weekly egg weight of Cobb 500 at 24 weeks, 28 weeks, 32 weeks of age were 48.0gm vs 48.5gm,54.0gm vs 54.2gm, 58.8gm vs 58.9gm respectively.The average observed weekly mortality and recommended weekly mortality of Cobb 500 at 24 weeks,28 weeks,32 weeks of age were 0.3% vs 0.25%,1.8% vs 2.15%,3.32% vs 3.45% respectively.From the analysis of data it can be said that there are very insignificant amount of differences between the observed data and recommended data .Therefore it may be inferred that Cobb 500 parent stock performed well under the existing management system of the farm.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDept. of Animal Sciences and Animal Nutritionen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences Universiy, KHULSHI, CHITTAGONG-4225.en_US
dc.subjectCobb 500 Breeder Management Guide, Environmentally Controlled House, Body weight gain,Egg Production percentage, Hatchability percentage, Mortality Percentage.en_US
dc.titleA Production Report Submitted as per approved Style and Contenten_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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