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dc.contributor.authorIslam, Md. Ariful-
dc.description.abstractFrom january to may 2012 twenty eight (28) visits were given to firingibazar slaughterhouse of chittagong metropolitan to examine the incidence of pathological affections in lung in slaughtered animal carcass. The total number of examined animal was 882, among them 660 cattle and 222 buffalo. Overall 128 (14.51%) carcasses showed pathological affections in lung. Comparatively more affections were recorded in april-may than the previous months. The incidence of lung affections was relatively high in cattle (15.90 %) than that of buffalo (10.36 %). Selected lung samples (n=128) with pathological affections were collected, gross tissue changes were recorded and fixed at 10% neutral buffered formalin for histopathological study. From gross and microscopic examination hydatid cysts (53.90%) was the most commonly found pathological affections followed emphysema (30.23%), atelectasis (12.50%), pulmonary hemorrhage (12.50%), congestion (7.03%), nodular lesions (3.12 %) and abscess (0.78%). Intermixing with several lesions was found in many cases. Statistically significant variation found in the occurrence of different lung lesions of cattle and buffalo. Hydatid cyst found more frequently among the lung lesions of cattle, whereas the occurrence of pulmonary nodules and hemorrhages was comparatively higher in buffalo lung.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Shubhagata Dasen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal |Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectslaughterhouse, pathological, affection, lesions, lung, cattle, buffalo, gross, histopathology.en_US
dc.titleInvestigation of Pathological Affections of Lung in Slaughtered animal at Firingibazar Slaughterhouse, Chittagongen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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