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dc.contributor.authorErshed, Hossain Md.-
dc.description.abstractMarine and coastal ecosystems of Bangladesh are promising habitats for various fish family supporting as the third richest fish resource in the world. Among the fish family, Mugilidae has moderate diversity along the northeastern coastal belt of the Bay of Bengal. The morphometric and meristic characters have been used to analyze the potential differentiation of Mugilidae collected from different part of Chattogram coast during this study. A detailed one-year (February 2019 to January 2020) survey was conducted, including two months of ban periods (June-July 2019), to assess the availability of Mugilidae, which included three stations as Patenga (St1), Kattoli (St2) and Cox's Bazar (St3). The survey's morphometric data were statistically analyzed using correlation and simple regression (intra-species) and independent sample T-test (inter species). Nine morphological data (length) and six meristic counts were collected from each sample for statistical analysis and the creation of a fin formula for each species. The fin formula found among 4 species Rhinomugil corsula, Chelon parsia, Mugil cephalus and Liza subviridis were gradually revealed as D1. IV, D2. I/7-8, P1.15-16, P2. I/5, A. 3/9; D1. IV; D2. 1/8; P1. 14-15; P2. 1/5; A. 3/9; D1 IV; D2 I 8; A III 8; P 15; V I 5; D1. IV; D2. 1/8-9; P1. 15-16; P2. 1/5; A. 3/9. The value of the meristic counts in this investigation did not significantly differ considerably. The standard length (SL) was explained as R²= 0.978 by the linear relationship with the total length & according to that, the linear relationship between total length and Head length (HL), Pre-orbital length (PrOL), Pre-pectoral length (PrPL), Pre- pelvic length (PrVL), Pre-dorsal length (PrDL), Pre- anal length (PrAL), and Body Weight (BW) predicted 96.8%, 87.3%, 97.2 %, 94.4 %, 77.6%, 65.6%, and 77.8%. Significant morphometric differences were discovered. The Shannon diversity index clearly indicates Chattogram has a higher diversity of species compared to Cox's Bazar where H=1.35091 for St1 and St2 in Chattogram and H=1.31028 for St3 which is situated in Cox's Bazar. Rhinomugil corsula had the highest frequency of availability among the species both in stations and months. Above all, the Mugilidae family has significant impact on the environment, and this research is initial step toward coastal and maritime planning and management. These findings can be used as a baseline experiment for future scientific research on Mugilidae family.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDr. Mohammed Nurul Absar Khanen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-Chattogramen_US
dc.subjectMorphometric, meristic characters, variation, diversity, Mugilidae,Chattogramen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis-MS

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