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Title: A Production report On Clean milk production practices adopted by selected dairy farmers of Chattogram District, Bangladesh.
Authors: Shaifur Rahman, Md.
Keywords: Adoption; Clean milk production practices; hygiene and milking; udder and teat dipping
Issue Date: Jun-2020
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: Milk is an easily perishable product it needs to be produced & handled in a hygienic way right from farm till it reaches to the consumers table. Considering the importance of adoption of clean milk production practices the present study was directed in Chattogram district to asses clean milk production practices adopted by the dairy farmers. A random sampling technique was used to elect the farmers. Farmers were selected randomly whose have at least 25 milch cow at the study period & making the sample size 10. The data was collected by personal interview method using structured interview schedules. The collected data was analyzed by estimating frequency, percentage etc. The result of the study revealed that majority (90%) of the respondents adopted cleaning of the animal house daily, very few (40%) respondents have construction of the pucca floor. All the farmers (100%) regularly adopted cleaning & washing animals & vaccination respectively. But very few (20%) farmers adopted regularly examine the animals by veterinarian which is an important preventive measures for clean milk production. Majority (80%) of the respondents keep milking area clean, disinfected & free from insects & flies but not a single respondents cleaned animal shed fifteen minutes before milking. Majority (80%) of the respondent’s removal of dung & mud by washing udder, but none of the respondents practice pre & post teat dipping in potassium per manganite solution. All the respondents wash their hands with plain water before milking. Majority (90%) of the farmers adopted milking by healthy personnel and only a single respondent wear clean dress before milking. None of the respondents practice washing hind quarters or back of the cow before milking. All the respondents (100%) adopted full hand milking technique. Very few (20%) of the respondents first practiced the milking of healthy animals & used separate utensils for milking. Majority 80% & 70% of the personnel had adopted transfer the milk into processing units immediately after milking & passing the milk from sieve or muslin cloth for removal of dirt or other undesirable things respectively.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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