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Title: Critical Evaluation and Justifications of Whole Blood Transfusion in Native Dogs
Authors: Sultana, Ireen
Keywords: Blood transfusion, Transfusion reaction, Cross matching
Issue Date: Jun-2018
Publisher: A thesis submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Science in Surgery Department of Medicine and Surgery Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chittagong-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: Transfusion therapy is a major resource that can improve the patient’s capability to overcome the disease. Clinically it is very important for all species especially in traumatic cases. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of blood transfusion in native dogs. The study was performed in Teaching Veterinary Hospital, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Chittagong, Bangladesh. The study was conducted on five donors and five recipient’s street dogs. 250ml blood was collected from each donor’s jugular vein and 100- 125ml blood was transfused in 5 recipient’s dog through the cephalic vein at the 5-6ml/kg/hr transfusion rate. Whole procedure was performed in aseptic condition under sedation and anesthesia. All donors were normal after collection of blood (250ml). Blood parameters were slightly increased in recipient case no 3 after blood transfusion. The highest PCV (2.2%), Hg (0.44%) and neotrophil (1.1%) were recorded after 3 days of post transfusion. The maximum heart rate was 90.2 ±1.7/min recorded after 10 minutes of transfusion. The mean control value of rectal temperature was 100.88 ± 0.23/min0 F and maximum value was 102± 0.31/min 0F after 20 minutes of blood transfusion. This study suggests that blood transfusion can be performed in critical condition to our native dogs without any blood grouping at least during first time.
Appears in Collections:Thesis-MS

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