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dc.contributor.authorAli Murtaza, Md.-
dc.description.abstractThe present study was conducted with the aim of accumulating the detailed information about the management practices and production performances of sonali chickens reared intensively as broiler up to 9th week of age on a sonali chicken farm at Bayezid thana, Chittagong, from 04 August to 06 October 2016. Observation on housing, brooding, lighting, feeding, medication, vaccination, body weight gain, uniformity, livability, cost benefit ratio and disease control practices were done. Average feed intake, average live weight gain, feed conversion ratio, uniformity, livability and cost benefit ratio were recorded. The average daily feed intake and weight gain in 1st, 5th and 9th week were 16 gm, 28.20 gm; 36 gm, 216 gm and 57 gm, 650.20 gm respectively. The uniformity of Sonali chickens in 1st, 5th and 9th were 88%, 87% and 88% respectively. The FCR, performance efficiency factor, feed price ratio, performance efficiency index, livability and cost benefit ratio were 2.25, 295.5, 1.86, 280.7, 95% and 1.20 respectively. It is concluded that sonali chickens has overall good performance that can fulfill the customer's demand and can be used widely as an alternative of indigenous/deshi chicken.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Dairy and Poultry Scienceen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectSonali chicken, Broiler, Production performancesen_US
dc.titleA Study on Management and Production Performances of Sonali Chickens at a Poultry Farm, Chittagongen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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