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dc.contributor.authorBorna, Shuva-
dc.description.abstractProduction of hydroponics fodder involves growing of plants without soil but in water or nutrient rich solution in a greenhouse (hi-tech or low cost devices) for a short duration. The use of nutrient solution for the growth of the hydroponics fodder is not essential and only the tap water can be used. Through Hydroponics techniques Oat, Maize, Wheat, Barley, Cow pea, etc. can be grown. However geographical and agro-climatic conditions and easy availability of seeds are the choice for hydroponics technology .The hydroponics green fodder looks like a mat of 20-30 cm height consisting of roots, seeds and plants. To produce one kg of fresh hydroponics maize fodder (7-d), about 1.50-3.0 litres of water is required. Yields of 5-6 folds on fresh basis and DM content of 11-14% are common for hydroponics maize fodder, however, DM content up to 18% has also been observed. The hydroponics fodder is more palatable, digestible and nutritious while imparting other health benefits to the animals. The cost of seed contributes about 90% of the total cost of production of hydroponics maize fodder. It is recommended to supplement about 5-10 kg fresh hydroponics maize fodder per cow per day. However, sprouting a part of the maize of the concentrate mixture for hydroponics fodder production does not require extra maize. Feeding of hydroponics fodder increases the digestibility of the nutrients of the ration which could contribute towards increase in milk production (8-13%). In situations, where conventional green fodder cannot be grown successfully, hydroponics fodder can be produced by the farmers for feeding their dairy animals using low cost devices.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty of Food Sciences and Technology Chattogram Veterinary &Animal Sciences Universityen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectHydroponics fodder, Livestock, Productionen_US
dc.titleA comprehensive review on production and utilizations of Hydroponics Fodderen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Industrial Placement Report

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