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dc.contributor.authorAfrin, Khurshida-
dc.description.abstractThe study on “Characteristics of Indigenous Rats” was done to know the breeds, varieties of rats in Bangladesh, their behavioral & physiological characters ;and their common diseases,treatment & prevention.There are about 64 species of rats found in the world. . The best-known rat species are the black rat /roof rat-Rattus rattus and the brown rat/ Norway -Rattus norvegicus. But there is no study or literature were found in relation to indigenous Bangladeshi rats. Bangladeshi rats are commonly Rattus rattus . The study found that rats are truly domesticated mammals that have been selectively bred in captivity for hundreds of generations. They have been bred to be gentle and affectionate. Wild rats are as different from laboratory rats . They rarely bite and stay clean by grooming themselves like a cat several times a day. Each rat is an individual with his or her own personality. Some rats are very intelligent but some rats aren't so smart. But even these awkward blockhead rats are affectionate and make gorgeous loving pets. Rats are nocturnal animals, the pet ones are happy to sleep during the day while their owner is at work or school. Then they are ready to come out to play in the morning or evening. Rats are omnivorous animals and eat a mixture of plant and animal matter in order to get all the right nutrients. Rats eat nearly anything, but they prefer fresh grain and meat. Rats require at least 1/2 to 1 ounce of fluid each day. If this is not attained through moisture in foods that it eats, the rat must have water to drink. Rats are sexually dimorphic ,more than 70% rats can begin breeding themselves within three months of birth. Spring is the most active season for rat breeding. Rats are fast breeders and give birth to large litters of baby rats like 12 litters with a range of 2 to 22 young (8 or 9 is usual) per year . Milk lactation period is19-20 days. Weaning period of rat is 14-35 day. Now-a-days, rats are commonly kept as pets all over the world. Pet rats pretence the same health risks to humans as other household animals so. They are commonly not seen to carry harmful diseases.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty Of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi,Chattogramen_US
dc.subjectRats, Domestication, Nocturnal, Omnivorous animal, Sexually dimorphic,Weaning period, Milk lactation perioden_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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