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dc.contributor.authorSaha, Joynti-
dc.description.abstractUrethral obstruction is commonly occurred in male cat due to their relatively long and narrow urethra. The purpose of the present case report was to describe a clinical approach to correct urethral obstruction in a cat, which is known as blocked cat. An 8-year-old Persian cat was presented to Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Center (TTPHRC) with a history of anuria for 2 days. On physical examination, blockage of penile urethra and abdominal distention were identified whereas all other parameters of cat were normal. Based on the clinical examination, it was decided to insert catheter through penile urethra upon stabilization of patient. The preputial area prepared for aseptic catheterization. Tom catheter socked with 2% Jasocaine jelly was inserted into the penile urethra and blockage of urethra was broken down. As a part of post-operative care fluid therapy, antibiotic, calcium, urinary alkalizer and steroid drugs were prescribed. No complication was noted in post-operative management.en_US
dc.publisherA Clinical report presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)en_US
dc.subjectUrethral obstruction, Tom catheter, Jasocaine, Post-operative careen_US
dc.titleA case report on correction of urethral obstruction in a male cat through catheterizationen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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