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dc.contributor.authorJahan Nigar, Most Nushrat-
dc.description.abstractThis study was conducted in the Rangpur district of Bangladesh to comprehensively assess the factors influencing the reproductive performance of dairy cows, with a specific focus on metestrous bleeding, parity, the timing of artificial insemination, age, breed, and repeat breeding incidents. The study revealed some significant findings. Metestrous bleeding was identified as a critical factor (P<0.00) significantly reducing the conception rate in dairy cows. Parity was found to play a pivotal role (P<0.038) in determining conception rates, with heifers exhibiting the highest fertility, while older cows experienced a decline in their reproductive performance. The timing of artificial insemination (P<0.026) in relation to the onset of estrus was very important, with insemination around 12-16 hours after onset estrus resulting in a remarkable high conception rate. Moreover, age of cow was identified as influential factors, with older cows at a higher risk of repeat breeding (P<0.048).en_US
dc.publisherClinical report submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Faculty of Veterinary Medicine CHITTAGONG VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY KHULSHI, CHITTAGONG-4225en_US
dc.subjectMetestrous bleeding, Conception rate, Dairy cows, Factorsen_US
dc.titleA study on factors affecting reproductive performances of Dairy cow in Rangpuren_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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