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dc.contributor.authorakter, Rumi-
dc.description.abstracthe present investigation was carried out to record the occurrence, causes, clinical findings, Physical and Biochemical changes of rumen fluid and Hematological changes of blood of a cow affected with Alkaline indigestion. There was history of two days ill animal excessive feeding soybean meal, some urea molasses and some pumpkin. Affected cow exhibited clinical signs as complete anorexia, dullness and depression, ruminal atony, constipated pasty faeces, twitching of ears and facial muscle. The parameters like ruminal fluid was found to be altered in alkaline indigestion as pH was 8.5, color changed to dark green color, consistency changed to watery, the odor becomes aromatic and decreased ruminal protozoan activity. Biochemical changes of ruminal fluid were also altered in this condition. The blood test was done by Humalyzer 3000. Serum sodium, potassium, chloride was decreased from normal range, but only serum glucose was increased in blood at alkaline indigestion. Result of serum sodium was 128.7 mmol/L, serum potassium was 2.2 mmol/L, serum chloride was 87.8 mmol/L and serum Glucose was 88.3 mg/dl. Alkaline indigestion was diagnosed finally. Then the animal was treated with suitable medicine (with liquid vinegar, normal saline and vitamin B) and the condition was improved after treatment within 4 days and the abnormal parameters were improved towards normalcy.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi,Chattogramen_US
dc.subject: Ruminal fluid, ruminal ammonia, occurrence, parametersen_US
dc.titleThe Report On Physiological And Biochemical Changes Of Ruminal Fluid And Blood In Alkalosis Cow, SAQTVH, Chattogram, Bangladesh.en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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