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dc.contributor.authorDey Mau, Aditi-
dc.description.abstractAs the quality of feed is one of the main determinant factors in successful poultry farming, an attempt was made to compare the quality of both hand mixed and commercial layer layer feeds to identify either using hand mixed or commercial feed is profitable for the layer farm owners. For this 4 feed samples were collected from 4 layer farms, randomly selected & which are located scatteredly in different areas of Chittagong district. Among 4 feeds, 2 were hand mixed feeds and 2 were commercial feeds - CP and Paragon. Cost of productions and income data were also collected from those 4 layer farms to estimate the profit. To suggest which feed is best on the basis of quality and profitability, proximate analysis was done to see the nutritive values. Those values were then compared with the standard and company value. Finally both data of proximate analysis & economic one were compiled by using Microsoft Excel 2007(Chi-square test by using SPSS 16.0). The proximate analysis of 4 feeds showed the following ranges of nutrient compositions: DM(88-90)%, Moisture(10-12)%, CP(16-20)%, CF(4-6)%, EE(3-4.3)%, Ash(6-6.8)%, NFE(53.2-58.6)% & ME(2632-2743)Kcal/kg. Statistically there were no significant differences among the nutrient compositions of different feeds used by different farms. But it was found significant differences among the incomes & profits of different farms using different layer feeds. The highest gross income & profit earned by Samia Dairy and Poultry farm using CP feed were 474.8 tk &284.5tk/bird/month respectively. The lowest gross income & profit earned by Islam Poultry farm using Hand mixed feed were 348.9tk &148.9tk/bird/month respectively. On the basis of quality of feed & profitability at farm level it can be said that commercial layer feed is best than hand mixed feed.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDept. of Animal Science & Nutritionen_US
dc.publisherChittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-Ctgen_US
dc.subjectFeed, layer layer, Proximate analysis, DM, ME, CP, CF, EE, Income, Profit.en_US
dc.titleComparative Study on Different Layer Feeds in Farm Levelsen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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