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dc.contributor.authorHaque Emon, Md. Jobair-
dc.description.abstractParasite is one of the major obstacles to the way of maximum production in dairy industry of all over the world. This investigation was conducted to measure the prevalence of GI parasites of buffalo in different areas of Chattogram Division, Bangladesh and its associated risk factors (Age, Sex, Deworming history and Geographical location). Total 100 fecal samples were collected from January 2023 to July 2023. A well-structured questionnaire was used to collect the information relevant to the objectives of the study. Then these samples were examined through direct smear, floatation and sedimentation technique to pick up the positive samples. The overall prevalence of GI parasites was found 41% where about 9 species of parasite were found in these tests, having 4 nematodes, 1 trematode, 3 protozoa and mixed infections. The highest amount of egg identified was of Toxocara vitulorum, nearly 46.34%. Boalkhali and Kabirhat was the more prevalent area among the selected areas, where Eimeria cyst and B. coli cyst were only noticed in Companiganj. The calves tested more vulnerable (46.14%) to the helminths infection than young (40%) and adult (40.53%). Also, the males have higher prevalence than the female animals. Male buffaloes were 1.42 times more prone to GI parasitic infection than the female buffaloes. Besides, the non-dewormed animals also seems to be more susceptible to infection compared to dewormed animals. Further work can be done to confirm molecular identification of the helminth species and also the economic effect of parasitic infection in buffalo.en_US
dc.publisherA Clinical report presented in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM)en_US
dc.subjectBuffalo, gastro-intestinal parasites, fecal sample, prevalence, nematode.en_US
dc.titleA Clinical report on the prevalence of gastrointestinal parasite on buffalo in Chattogram division.en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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