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dc.contributor.authorKabir, Md. Najmul-
dc.description.abstractThe study on status of stray monkey was conducted at 10 different parts in Dhaka city during the period of 5th may, 2013 to 23rd November, 2013 to analyze the present status of stray monkeys in those particular areas. There are approximately 6 stray monkey varieties in the world. They can be very small to very big but in Bangladesh mainly non descriptive variety is found. The aim of the study is to know the varieties, health status, behavioral and reproductive characteristics of the stray monkeys. The method of the study includes phenotypic observations of stray monkeys through photography, interviewing people of monkey- populated areas of Dhaka, monkey owners and veterinarians of central veterinary hospital, Dhaka and Dhaka Zoo. Monkeys are generally respected and loved by Hindu community. In this investigation, a total of 187 monkeys are found in 10 different parts of Dhaka city. Largest group of monkeys was found in Shadhana Drugs factory, where 61 monkey was found. The smallest group of monkeys was found in Razar Deuri, where 4 monkeys were found. They are generally herbivorous and commonly like to eat mainly fruits, banana, apple, grapes, tomatoes, guava, jackfruit, mango etc. But they also fond of eating seeds roots, buds, tree bark and cereals, pulse. They also eat termites, grasshoppers, ants and beetles. One of the specialized things that found that street monkeys have specialized pouch like cheeks, allowing them to temporarily hoard their food. The rhesus macaque is brown or grey in color and has a pink face, which is bereft of fur. Its tail is of medium length and averages between 20.7 and 22.9 cm (8.1 and 9.0 in). Adult males measure approximately 53 cm (21 in) on average and weigh about 7.7 kg (17 lb). Females are smaller, averaging 47 cm (19 in) in length and 5.3 kg (12 lb) in weight. Rhesus macaques have on average 50 vertebrae. Their intermembral index (ratio of arm length to leg length) is 89%. They have dorsal scapulae and a wide rib cage. Body temperature of monkeys ranges from 37-39 0c. Respiratory rate 32-50 breaths and heart rate is 120- 180 breaths per minute. Birth weight of rhesus monkey is 500-750 gm. Blood volume is 55-80 milliliters per kg. Breeding age for male monkey 2.5-3 years and female monkey is 5-6 years. Food consumption is 2- 4% Body weight per day. Gestation length of this monkeys 165- 174 days. Liter size 1(One).Oestrus cycle of female monkeys is 28-30 days. Females are capable of producing one young per year under good condition. Average weaning age is 12 months. Sexual maturity of female monkey is 2.5 to 4 years and male monkeys are 4.5 to 7 years. Average life span in captivity 23 years (female) and 27 years (male). The rhesus macaque has 32 teeth with a dental formula of ( ) and bilophodont molars. They have bodies that are designed to give them both strength and agility. They are very flexible and fast. All Monkeys have fingerprints like humans. They have long legs and arms that are flexible so that they can climb with them. Monkeys don’t swing through the trees though what many people believe. Their tails are used for balance which is why they are so long. They also use their tails to allow them to leap vertically and to hang upside down from branches. They also may be able to pick up objects with their tail but it depends on the species. Some species of monkeys can see color but most are color blind. They have flat noses to smell, that helps to identify threats around them; but their nostrils may be narrow and wide. Depending on species. All Monkeys are covered with hair. However, they don’t have hair on their face or their hands. They have a Trachea like humans that helps them with their vocalization. It also helps to carry their air supply to the lungs. The brain of a monkey is very highly developed and it is more developed than the ape. Macaca mulatta is a popular zoo monkey because of its innate curiosity and active lifestyle. The stray monkeys are good source of income for city dwellers. Owners of stray monkeys used their monkey for showing the monkey dance and play. Owner of monkey give food, medicines and vaccination in due time. These monkeys are especially useful in biological, medicinal, and psychological research. Common monkey diseases are tetanus, campylobacteriosis, tuberculosis, salmonellosis, helicobacteriosis, shigellosis, Strongyloides stercoralis infection, yersiniosis, colibacilosis, pneumococcal pneumonia, listeriosis, Pseudomonus pseudoallei infection, Corynebacterium ulcerans infection, leprosy, Chlamydia psittaci infection, nocardiosis, actinomycosis, dermatophilosis, yellow fever, kyasanur forest disease, tanapox, mayaro virus, monkey pox, simian virus 40, rabies, measles, polio, human herpes 1, Herpes simplex, monkey herpes B Virus, African Green monkey Disease AKA marburg disease, Cryptosporidium spp infection, Giardia duodenalis infection , Enterocytozoon bieneusi infection, malaria infection, babesiosis, trypanosomiasis, amoebiosis, balantidiasis, tricomoniasis, toxoplasmosis. The vaccine used for monkeys is rabisin for the monkeys that have owner. Common drugs usd in Central Veterinary Hospital, Dhaka and Dhaka zoo are Inj. Ceftron vet, Syp. Delentin, Tab. Paracitamol, Syp. Avolac, Tab. Emistat, Syp. Prolivit etc. Stray monkeys are a good companion and useful for owner because by presenting monkey play and dance, they can earn money and their livelihood.en_US
dc.publisherA Production Report Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary medicine, Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectPhotography, Interviewing people, Psychology, Observation.en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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