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dc.contributor.authorMiya, Md. Suman-
dc.description.abstractA study was conducted on 12 cross breed New-Zeeland white rabbits aged about 6 months to know their growth and reproductive performance for a period of 3 months at the Rabbitry unit under the Department of Animal science and Animal Nutrition, CVASU. All rabbit were provided about 100 g concentrate mixture having 2369 kcal/kg energy and 16.44 % CP and ad-lib. green grasses twice daily. It was found that the daily average bodyweight gain, DMI and FCR in females were 13.33±0.07g, 119.5±5.05g, 11.15; and in males were 14.44±0.09g, 119.5±5.05g, 12.08g respectively. The reproductive performance of the adults in the form of per cent of does kidded, average gestation period, litter size at birth, litter weight at birth, individual kit weight at birth and kit mortality were 100%, 31±0.30 days, 3.4±0.45 Nos., 240±15.25g, 70.59±3.3g and 10.5% respectively. The daily average feed cost of rabbit rearing was also calculated and found as BDT. 3.39 for each animal. Furthermore, the total cost of rabbit rearing and overall profit was also calculated in this study. It was again found that the total profit from rearing of 12 adult rabbits in three months was 7030.6 taka. In this regards, it may be recommended that rabbit has great potentiality in growth and reproduction as it can be reared with a very minimal cost.en_US
dc.publisherClinical Report presented in partial fulfillment for the Degree of Doctor of Veterinary Medicine (DVM) Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Khulshi, Chittagong-4225en_US
dc.subjectRabbit, concentrate mixture, growth, reproductionen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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