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dc.contributor.authorMOHIUDDIN AKRAM, MOHAMMAD-
dc.description.abstractThe study was carried out to identify economic analysis of Turkey by rearing of turkey with its prospects and problems and so for poverty alleviation and future prospects of Bangladesh under scavenging and captive system. The research presided over a time span of 5months. Poults of turkey were selected at the age of 27th days weighting of about 278 gm on an average from Rafiq’s Bohomukhi Farm situated at Alir jahal, Cox’s Bazar. In each type of farming system, there were provided 10 toms and 20 hens. So, totally 30 turkeys were provided in each part for the research purpose. After collection of information of different variables were entered into MS-Excel and STATA for analysis. Both the descriptive, statistical and econometric methods were used to achieve the objectives. It was found from the results that, the FCR of male was 2.28 and female was 2.25 in scavenging rearing system whereas, the FCR was 3.33 and 3.14 for male and female, respectively in captive rearing system. Percentage of morbidity was high in captive (37%) method than scavenging (30%) method but mortality percentage was same (17%) in both methods in turkey rearing. The study revealed that gross cost was Tk.1123.9 for male and Tk.988.55 for female in scavenging method where Tk.2570.88 and Tk.2809.47 for male and female, respectively in captive rearing system. In this study, net return was the highest for male (Tk.855.17) and female bird (Tk.1289.39) in captive method compared to male (Tk.903.48) and female (Tk.692.86) bird in scavenging method. BCR was the highest for female (1.85) bird in captive method but greater than one for both rearing system. It means that turkey bird rearing in captive method is more profitable than scavenging method. It was also observed that calculated value of t statistics were greater than the tabulated value of t in both parameter (body weight and Income) in 24 degrees of freedom at 1% level of significance (p<0.0001).It means that, there is a significant difference in mean of body weight as well as income of turkey between scavenging and captive methods. The study identified few problems and prospects of Turkey rearing in Bangladesh. In favor of high quality animal protein and profitability, turkey rearing helps to increase the standard of living as well as alleviate poverty in Bangladesh.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectPoverty, Production, Profitability, Prospects and Turkey farming system.en_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis-MS

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