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dc.contributor.authorAZMOL HOSSAIN, DR. MD.-
dc.description.abstractThe present study was under taken to estimate profitability, resource productivity, resource use efficiency and returns to scale in commercial broiler production in Noakhali district of Bangladesh. The study was undertaken through a survey method by contacting 60 broiler farms, representing small, medium and large farms 20 in each following random sampling method. Both the descriptive and Cobb-Douglas production method was used to analyze the data. The study revealed that FCR for small farms was 1.56, while 1.49 and 1.48 for medium and large farms, respectively. The total cost of production per bird was maximum (Tk.78.09) in small farms and minimum (Tk.68.95) in large farms, it was Tk.73.03 in medium farms with an all average of Tk.73.35 for the pooled farms respectively. In case of small farms, total returns were Tk. 171.37 while Tk. 169.84 and Tk. 167.26 in medium and large farms, respectively. BCR were 2.19 for small farms, 2.33 for medium farms, 2.43 for large farms. It indicates commercial broiler farming is profitable for all farm sizes in the study areas. The study also shown that the break-even sale weight per 1000 birds according to prices was found to be more favorable, as the farm size increases. The coefficients of flock size were statistically significant at one percent level in small and large farms but the coefficient of feed cost was found to be statistically significant for the medium farms only. Labour costs were not statistically significant though the values were positive for small and negative for medium and large farms. The (R2) values indicated that 65, 46, and 42 percent variation in total income on small, medium and large farms. The return to scale coefficients were 1.15, 1.42 and 1.32 for the small, medium and large farms, respectively. The marginal value product to factor cost ratios indicated inefficient use of resources in broiler farming on all farm size groups. Problem associated in the study are high feed cost, high cost of day old chicks , high labour cost, high cost of medicine, mortality, diseases, miscellaneous charges and inadequate veterinary services. Proper veterinary service, training facilities should be provided by private and government organizations and reduced feed cost to increase broiler production in Bangladesh.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Agricultural Economics and Social Sciences Faculty of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladeshen_US
dc.subjectBroiler, comparative, commercial, efficiency, farming.en_US
dc.titleComparative production efficiency of commercial broiler farming in Noakhali district of Bangladeshen_US
Appears in Collections:Thesis-MS

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