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dc.contributor.authorSorna, Suriya Sultana-
dc.description.abstractThe study was conducted to know the present status, existing production system of duck and assess the potentiality of duck rearing in rural areas of Gaibandha district in Bangladesh. Data were collected randomly from 20 duck rearing farmers using a pre-tested interview schedule during February to March 2018 from several villages under Shadullahpur Upazila of Gaibandha. Beside this, socio-economic conditions of the farmers, feeding system and availability of feed for raising ducks, productive performances of scavenging ducks and profitability of raising those ducks were evaluated. In the study area most of the farmers were women. The level of education of farmers varied from primary to higher secondary. Most of the duck rearers (65%) were found primary educated. The average farm size was 18 and it always remains variable with the duck’s loss attributed to different causes. About 43% of the farmers housed their ducks in bamboo made cage while the rest of the farmers kept ducks in house made of wood, tin, brick or mud. Duck reaches first laying at 6 months of age, produces average 110 eggs per year. Egg production reaches peak during winter especially after crop-harvesting season. Around 55% of the respondents fed their birds with mixture of boil rice and rice polish as it is available and cheap. Approximately 10% respondents said that they do not spend any money on supplementary feed. The mortality rate was 19% and it is highest in winter (27%). Duck were vaccinated against duck plague mainly. Around 80% households sold eggs to the local market and 20% sold to the bepari and others. Total annual expenditure and annual income per duck were on an average 443.35 and 959.20 taka, respectively. It can be concluded that duck rearing knowledge of the farmers such as breeding, feeding, housing, prevention and control of diseases are not satisfactory of this areas. Introducing of improved duck breeds/varieties, training to duck farmers, ensuring vaccination to ducks, financial and technical support to the farmers could increase the duck rearing with increased household income and employment to youth, rural women and the small-holder marginal farmersen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipFaculty Of Veterinary Medicineen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi,Chattogramen_US
dc.subjectHousehold duck, Scavenging system, Feeding practices, Farm profitability.en_US
dc.titleStatus of house-hold duck rearing system along with productive performance in selected area of Shadullahpur, Gaibandhaen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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