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dc.contributor.authorHasan, Mohammad Wasiul-
dc.description.abstractA study was undertaken during the period of January to November 2015 to assess the status of cattle egret in with their feeding, breeding and behavioral characteristics. The study was conducted on the basis of information available on internet, books and direct observation of cattle egret along with their nesting and other behaviors in different roosting sites of cattle egret in different areas of Bangladesh. Banga bandhu Sheikh Mujib Safari park was visited for close observation of these birds. There are only one species of cattle egret in Bangladesh as well as in the world Bubulcus ibis. It has three subspecies where the only available subspecies in Bangladesh are Bubulcus ibis coromandus.. The population of cattle egret throughout the world is estimated to number (3,800,000-7,600,000) but its population in Bangladesh is still not estimated. Cattle egret is insectivorous in nature. They feeds on insects like beetles, adult and larval lepidoptera, Hemiptera, cricket, grasshoppers, frogs dragonflies etc. They are mostly habitat in livestock pastures, open savanna grassland, dry arable fields, freshwater swamps, rice-fields, wet pastures, shallow marshes, irrigated grasslands etc. Breeding season of cattle egret is October to January but it varies from November to february according to territorial change. The average clutch size was found two to four. The egg’s color was found pale sky blue to sea green. The average incubation period was 24 days with a range of 22 to 28 days. Cattle egret commonly affected by salmonellosis, collibacillocis, chlamydiasis and different parasitic infestations. This bird has been implicated in the spread of animal infections such as heartwater, infectious bursal disease and possibly newcastle disease. However Cattle egret helps to maintain food chain and food web, so conservation of this species is very important for maintaining the ecological balance.en_US
dc.publisherA production Report submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE, CHITTAGONG VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, KHULSHI, CHITTAGONG.en_US
dc.subjectCattle egret, insectivorous, colony, clutch size.en_US
dc.titleStudy on Status of Cattle Egret in Bangladeshen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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