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dc.contributor.authorFarzana, Farzana-
dc.description.abstractDomestic cats are popular home pets and a well-known invasive species worldwide. Work on management strategies that lessen the risks caused by cats is essential because cat populations have been rising in many places. The investigation was carried out to determine the pet cat management practices in the Tejgaon area of Dhaka, Bangladesh, which would aid future research in developing an appropriate pet cat management framework. The participants for this study were chosen at random from a group of 20 average cat owners. Face-to-face interviews with the cat owners using a questionnaire on management practices, disease prevention strategies, and animal welfare conditions. With the use of an MS Excel spreadsheet, all of the data collected from 20 different cat owners was sorted, structured, and evaluated. Adult males made up 17% of the 56 cats owned by domestic cat owners, while adult females made up 20% and kittens made up the rest. Most of the owners collect their pets through adoption & stray. Desi (71.43%), Persian (19.64%), and mixed (12.75%) were the three most popular cat breeds in Dhaka. The majority of the house was completely enclosed (60%). The majority of the cat owners (40%) used rice, meat, milk, kitchen waste, and other manufactured foods as feed, and fed their pets three times daily rather than a balanced diet which was 35% only. But unlike diet they provided their cats enough spaces (70%). Because of their socio-economic condition and lower knowledge level of vaccination & deworming, they did irregular vaccination & deworming of their cats. By assessment of different factors of welfare, most of the owners did not know about the appropriate welfare management techniques. Most of them were also unaware about the importance of regular vet visits without sickness of pets and other mattersen_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Animal Science and Nutritionen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectCat, management, animal welfare, pet, owneren_US
dc.titleA Study on Domestic Cat Management and Welfare Habits among a Typical Sample of Cat Owners in Dhaka's Tejgaon Metroen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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