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Title: Performance and Profitability of meat type Sonali Chicken in the selected area of Ishwardi Upazilla
Authors: Akter, Sharmin
Keywords: Performance, Sonali chickens, Farm size, Benefit cost ratio, profitability.
Issue Date: May-2022
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University. Khulshi, Chattagram-4225
Abstract: Farm-wise productivity and mortality of Sonali chickens in selected poultry farms from Ishwardi Upazillas of Pabna District during February 2022 to April 2022 were assessed. According to the findings, farm 1 produced 2440 marketable live birds and farm 2, farm3, farm4, farm5 and farm 6 produced 3130, 3877, 1950, 2445 and 2140 marketable live birds, respectively. Mortality was documented in the following order: farm 3 > farm 6 > farm 4> farm 1> farm5>farm 2. Birds reared in smaller farms consumed greater amount of feed compared to those reared in larger farms. As for the farm-level variances in profitability components, the profitability components of large farms were much higher than those of medium and small farms. For the country's commercial poultry industry, the current findings on Sonali chicken farming in Ishwardi Upazilla are fairly optimistic in terms of productivity, profitability, and long-term viability.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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