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Title: Effects of small-scale free range domestic pigeon farming on income generation of the subsistence rural livelihood in Bangladesh
Authors: Samanta, Partha
Keywords: Pigeon farming, free range, income generation, CMA
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: Present survey was conducted in Chattogram Metropolitan area to assess the effects of small-scale free range domestic pigeon farming on economy of the farmers. Data from 10 pigeon farms mainly on production, reproduction, breed, housing, feeding, management of pigeons were collected through the direct interview of the farmers. Data of a total 100 pigeons were collected and analyzed here. Results showed that most of the pigeon growers (90%) were young (25-40 years) and all of them were from middle class family. Only 60% of them were found literate. Results also revealed that, only three types of pigeon breeds (gola, giribaz and local) were available in the farms of the study area. Comparative analysis of the production indices of these three breeds showed that local non descriptive varieties of pigeon produce more eggs and thus squabs per year than the gola and giribaz, though these were not statistically significant. On the other hand, average pause size, feed supply per day and average market age were a bit lower in the local pigeons than other breeds that ultimately help in increasing productivity of the local birds. Hatchability percentage of the local pigeon was found non significantly higher than the other breeds. Average mortality was found slightly higher in giribaz. Overall, the average annual egg and squab production of the pigeons of the study area were found 20.6 and 10.7 no/pair respectively. The mean quantity of the supplied feed to the pigeon was 37.8 g/bird/day. The average clutch and pause size were 2 and 17 days respectively. The usual market age, hatchability and mortality were seen 30.6 days, 51.4% and 7.6% respectively. Mean feed and housing cost were found BDT 1008 and 443/pair/year respectively where market price per pair adult and per squab were found BDT 36 and 130 respectively. A strong positive correlation was seen in between flock size and annual squab production of pigeon farms of the present study. On the other hand, pause size had a strong negative correlation with the annual squab production at pigeon farms in CMA. Farms rearing local pigeons make highest profit (BDT 823/pair) than the farms rearing giribaz (BDT 478/pair) and gola (BDT 319.70/pair). Pigeon farming in the study area had a great potentiality and can make more profitable through government and NGO by arranging training and loans for the small-scale farmers.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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