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Authors: Ahmmed, Foysal
Keywords: Surgical management, Femur, Fracture, Retrograde, intramedullary pinning.
Issue Date: Nov-2021
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: Long bone fractures are common to all feline fractures and the femur is one of the most commonly fractured bones in dogs and cats following substantial trauma. The present case study describes the outcome of the femur fracture management in cat. It was a twenty month old intact male Persian cat weighing 4.8 kg, limping in left hind limbs since 2 days and it was brought to Teaching and Training Pet Hospital and Research Centre, Purbachal, Dhaka (CVASU) with the history of fracture in left hind limb respectively since 2 days. Clinical examination revealed that the cat was hardy able to bear weight, limping, pain and crepitation also noticed in affected limb. Radiographic examination confirmed the left oblique distal diaphyseal femural fracture. On the basis of clinical and laboratory assessment the case was decided to go for Retrograde intramedullary pinning along with standard surgical approach by xylazine and ketamine anesthesia. Postoperatively the cat was managed by systemic antibiotic and NSAID with protective bandages. Mild weight bearing was observed in this case from 7th postoperative (PO) day and sutures were removed after 2 weeks without any complications. 21th days after the surgery, improved weight bearing was observed clinically and secondary bone healing was noticed on radiographic examination. The patient was found to maintain normal comfortable life after four months of the surgery. The present case study suggests the intramedullary pinning is an easy, economic and field based effective method for internal femur fracture fixation in cat.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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