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Title: Study on Effect of Seasons on the Milk Production of Different Holstein-Friesian Crossbred Cows
Authors: Rahman, Mohammad Anisur
Keywords: Category A (> 31 milking cows), Category B (21-31 milking cows), Category C(11>20 milking cows), Holstein crosses, Milk yield.
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: A production Report submitted in partial satisfaction of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF VETERINARY MEDICINE, CHITTAGONG VETERINARY AND ANIMAL SCIENCES UNIVERSITY, KHULSHI, CHITTAGONG.
Abstract: Background: In Chattogram, Bangladesh, farmers are dissatisfied with the performance of several crossbred Holstein-Friesian (HF) cows in terms of yield. Therefore, a study was conducted in Chattogram, Bangladesh, to find out the impact of the seasons on various Holstein-Friesian (HF) crossbreds. Methods: From April 2023 to June 2023, this study was carried out in Patiya Chattogram, Bangladesh. A total of 407 dairy cattle of 85% HF15% L, 75% HF 25% L, and 70% HF 30% L crossbred were recruited for this study from fourteen (14) commercial dairy farms divided into three separate groups as A (>31 milking cows), B (21 to 31 milking cows), and C (11 to 20 milking cows). Based on similarities in feeding and other management practices, farms in the same group were chosen. Result: The same and distinct HF crossbreds were found to have significantly varying milk yields (P<0.05) during various seasons. In various crossings of farms, the highest daily average milk yield was noted during the monsoon season, but their performances gradually declined over the summer. The results of this study will assist commercial dairy farmers in understanding how the seasons affect distinct Holstein-Friesian (HF) cow hybrids.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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