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Title: Analysis of Growth and Molting Performance of Tank-Raised Metapenaeus dobsoni Supplemented with Chicken Eggshell
Authors: Hoque, Muhammed Erfanul
Keywords: Eyestalk ablation, Growth, Molting, Mortality, Metapenaeus dobsoni
Issue Date: Jun-2023
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi,Chattogram
Abstract: Marine crustacean species are expanding their contribution to the export economy of Bangladesh as a result of rising demand. Shrimp aquaculture is growing almost everywhere in the world, and it has been practiced in Bangladesh for a very long time. Therefore, improved aquaculture and export output require sustainable shrimp cultivation methods. This study examines the development and molting abilities of shrimp of the species Metapenaeus dobsoni which were reared in tanks with the supplementations of chicken eggshells. The goal was to assess how adding eggshells to their diet may affect their growth rates and molting frequency. In the experiment, shrimp were fed feed with various amounts of eggshell in a controlled tank setting. Over a predetermined time period, growth factors including increase in weight and length were observed, and molting occasions were noted. The findings suggest that adding chicken eggshells to the food of M. dobsoni has a good effect on their molting and growth. This effect might be caused by the eggshell's calcium content, which could help the formation of the shell. The frequency of molting may also be impacted by this supplementation. This research advances our knowledge of aquaculture practices and sustainable shrimp production by revealing possible advantages of employing chicken eggshells as a food supplement to improve the development and molting performance of tank-raised M. dobsoni.
Appears in Collections:MS Thesis

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