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Authors: Ahmed, Naboni
Keywords: Fish larvae, Maheshkhali para, abundance, diversity indices, spawning season.
Issue Date: Jun-2022
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: The temporal abundance and composition of fish larval families and their spawning season in the Maheshkhali para of Cox’s Bazar coast were studied from March 2020 to February 2021 on monthly basis. Sampling was performed by a bongo net with two mouth openings. In total 1223 individuals, representing 14 larval families, with a mean abundance of 101.92 individuals per 1000m3, were collected and identified under stereo microscope during sampling period. Larvae that were found in this area were: Clupeidae, Engraulidae, Terapontidae, Gobiidae, Tetradontidae, Scombridae, Sparidae, Siganidae, Pomacentridae, Mugilidae, Hemiramphidae, Serranidae, Ambassidae, Carangidae. Among them, Clupeidae, Engraulidae and Gobiidae contributed 52.82%, 19.22%, and 12.59% of the total catch. The month of July was found as the most diversified month, which had 356 individuals/ 1000m3. In contrast, March had the highest number of larvae families (07). Based on the constancy of occurrence, Clupeidae was termed as "constant" as their larvae were found in six months of that year. The highest value of the Shannon-Wiener index was 1.91, observed in March. Both Margalef’s and Pieulo’s index were the highest in March, with 2.60 and 0.98 respectively. This study will establish the groundwork for sustainable fisheries resource management strategies in the Cox's Bazar region.
Appears in Collections:Thesis-MS

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