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Title: Owner’s Perception and Satisfaction about Spaying and Neutering in Cat
Authors: Amin, Fahria
Keywords: Perception, satisfaction, cat owners, spaying, neutering
Issue Date: Nov-2022
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary & Animal |Sciences University
Abstract: Owner’s perception and feedback about elective surgery play important role to improve the service quality of veterinary profession. Pet owners sometimes experienced mixed type of feelings of fear and confidence about spaying and neutering in cat. So, this study was aimed to find out the perception and satisfaction after performing two common surgeries of their pet. Prior to this study, a questionnaire was designed and followed during the sampling time. Total 80 samples were collected with resourceful information and categorized based on sex, breed, and heat sign that were analyzed by STATA. Among the total population, there was found 5.41% male and 48.84% female for single time appearance of heat cycle after surgery. In this study, all the cats showed the positive results only for single time for the signs of aggression, urine spray or heat cycle. After two months of surgery, all cats became calm and quiet that was the main desirable objective of the owner to do surgery. So, the result of this study helped the veterinarians in understanding pet owners' attitudes and satisfaction toward neutering and spaying.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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