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dc.contributor.authorKumer Paul, Subrata-
dc.description.abstractA 19-day old Holstein Friesian male calf was noted with dripping urine from the umbilicus and came to the S.A.Q. Teaching Veterinary Hospital for treatment. Clinical history and signs revealed high fever and pus coming with urine from the umbilicus. By palpating and radiography, a connection between the urinary bladder and the umbilicus was revealed. The blood report also confirmed the presence of infection. Surgery was performed in order to break the connection between the umbilicus and urinary bladder along with the removal of the infected portion of that connection. A third-generation broad-spectrum antibiotic was prescribed along with a painkiller and antiseptic ointment for recovery. The calf recovered completely within 14 days without any complications and there was no urine leakage from the umbilical region.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDepartment of Anatomy and Histologyen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University, Khulshi-Chattogramen_US
dc.subjectA 19-day old Holstein Friesian male calf was noted with dripping urine from the umbilicus and came to the S.A.Q. Teaching Veterinary Hospital for treatment. Clinical history and signs revealed high fever and pus coming with urine from the umbilicus. By palpating and radiography, a connection between the urinary bladder and the umbilicus was revealed. The blood report also confirmed the presence of infection. Surgery was performed in order to break the connection between the umbilicus and urinary bladder along with the removal of the infected portion of that connection. A third-generation broad-spectrum antibiotic was prescribed along with a painkiller and antiseptic ointment for recovery. The calf recovered completely within 14 days without any complications and there was no urine leakage from the umbilical regionen_US
dc.titleDiagnosis and Treatment in a Patent Urachus Male calfen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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