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dc.contributor.authorArfin, Shamsul-
dc.description.abstractThe study was undertaken on randomly selected 60 pigeons of 12 smallholder farms at Ovoinagor and Monirampur Upazilla, Jessore Districts, Bangladesh to identify Trichomonas gallinae infection in pigeon and determine the occurrence of the protozoan among the pigeons. For the identification of Trichomonas gallinae, wet smear method of oropharyngeal and crop swabs observed under light microscope. This study was carried out from 24 November, 2008 to 28 February, 2009. Out of 60 pigeons, 60% pigeons were found as positive to the protozoan infection in the investigation. Among them, 75% squabs and 46.9% adult birds contained Trichomonas gallinae infection. 50% male and 44.4% female of adult birds found as positive for the infection. 57.4% of live pigeons (n=47) showed positive to the protozoan infection. The frequency of the infection was more in squab (70%) than adult (48.1%) in live pigeons. Out of 27 adult live birds 50% male and 46.7% female were found as positive for the infection. In case of dead pigeons (n=13), 69.2% showed positive to the protozoan infection in the study. Among them, 87.5% squabs and 40% adults contained Trichomonas gallinae infection. 50% male and 33.3% female of adult dead birds found as positive for the infection. On the basis of spatial distribution, 64% pigeon resulted in positive for Trichomonas gallinae infection in rural area (n=25) where as 57.1% in urban area (n=35) of the district. 66% was resulted in positive for Trichomonas gallinae infection at Ovoinagor Upazilla (n=50) and 30% in Monirampur Upazilla (n=10) of Jessore district.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipDR. Krisna Royen_US
dc.publisherChattogram Veterinary & Animal |Sciences Universityen_US
dc.subjectTrichomonas gallinae, Pigeons, Smallholdings, Urban, Rural.en_US
dc.titleIdentification and Occurrence of Trichomonas gallinae in Pigeon in Jessore District, Bangladeshen_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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