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Authors: Alam, Dr. Md. Rasibul
Keywords: Antibiotic, residues, public health hazard, maximum residual limits.
Issue Date: Feb-2007
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary & Animal |Sciences University
Abstract: Nowadays broiler may treat most important source of animal protein for the large number of people of Bangladesh. Day by day poultry industry develops gradually and the use of antibiotics also increases not only as growth promoter as well as for controlling infectious diseases. But indiscriminate use of these drugs deposits some residue in different body tissues of poultry. Antibiotic residue in poultry tissues is an important issue which needs accurate detection, proper monitoring and sufficient legislation to ensure food safety of people. This research highlights the importance and existence of antibiotics residue in meat. My present study was conducted for the detection of existence of antibiotic residue in broiler liver. Here I use the TLC for the detection of residual antibiotic in broiler liver as it is easy to perform, allow simultaneous analysis of large numbers of samples and give rapid and accurate results in comparison to other methods. In this survey liver extract prepared from 2gm of liver by using trichloroacetic acid 30% and diethyl ether. After pointing and running on TLC plate, chromatograph observed under UV light. Among the 10 samples from various shops 6 positive samples were found, so about 60% of samples contain antimicrobial residue with the standard error of 0.090341. It was stated that probably in some cases chicken meat producers do not respect regulations about withdrawal periods of the veterinary products
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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