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Authors: Das, Shubhagata
Keywords: Fluid milk, physical, chemical, quality, adulteration and commercial life
Issue Date: Apr-2009
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: The present study was conducted to evaluate the quality of locally produced fluid milk consumed by the people of Chittagong Metropolitan Area (CMA). Two type of milk samples namely as farm produced fluid milk (FPFM) and non brand packaged raw milk (NBPRM) were collected directly from the farms and retail shops of different areas under CMA respectively. A total of 54 samples were analyzed to evaluate the physical (specific gravity) and chemical (percentage of butter fat, solids-not-fat, total solids, acidity and water) parameters of milk samples. The tests for adulteration and preservative detection were also conducted in case of NBPRM samples along with the tests for commercial life (Clot on Boiling and alcohol precipitation test). Study reveals that the quality of NBPRM was inferior compared to FPFM and there was a significant variation with the quality of farm produced fluid milk in terms of Specific gravity, percentage of solids-not-fat, total solids and water content. Water adulteration was detected in NBPRM in 75%, 66%, 66%, 57%, 50%, and 33% samples in Chandgaon, Khulshi, Bakalia, Chalkbazar, Biozid and Bondor area respectively. Most alarming fact was that, two of the NBPRM samples from Chalkbazar area contained formalin. Around 22% of the non brand samples had no commercial life. There was a significant difference found in fat content in FPFM fluid milk collected from morning and evening milking.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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