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Title: Socio-Economic impact on the improved Goat Farming Practices in Adopted Villages of Jessore District, Bangladesh.
Authors: Arfin, Shamsul
Keywords: : Socio-economic; Impact of goat practices; Adopted villages.
Issue Date: Apr-2009
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Khulshi, Chattogram-4225, Bangladesh
Abstract: This study was conducted in sixteen adopted villages in Ovoynogor Upazilla of Jessor District Total 31 goat formers were selected at random from Ovoynogor Upazilla. The study was under taken after conducting transfer of technology programmes on different improved goat production practices in Ovoynogor Upazilla by training. Majority (76.67%) of the selected respondents goat farmers learnt more skill on dewarming of goats, followed by keeping improved bucks (66.67%), use of vitamin and mineral mixture (60%), Use of disinfectant for sanitation (46.67%), Proper housing management for keeping goats (46.67%), plantation/ keeping fodder trees/ grasses (43.33%), use of vaccine like PPR (40%), keeping of appropriate proportion between mate & Female (30%), Dipping/ bathing/ pour on of goats to control ectoparasite (13.33%) Goat has been increased share of income from goat to family’s total income, Ready cash riding dependence on rich cost private credit increased the awareness about commercial goat farming and its advantages, increase in employment generation through goats, increase goat and increase access to goat milk for family consumption through goat rearing reported by the 73.33%, 70%, 66.67%, 66.67%, 46.67% and 20 percent selected respondents goat farmers as a socioeconomic indicator. Similarly, phone, Television, Construction of goat shed, Motor Cycle, Construction of farmers house, Jewellery reported by the 26.67%, 23.33%, 23.33%, 20%, 20%, 20% selected respondents goat farmers as status of family’s assets, respectively.
Appears in Collections:Production Report

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