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Title: Brachial Plexus of the White New Zealand Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Authors: Bhowmik, Sukanto
Keywords: White New Zealand Rabbit, Brachial Plexus, Forelimb.
Issue Date: May-2012
Publisher: Chattogram Veterinary & Animal Sciences University
Abstract: The origin and distribution of nerves arising from the brachial plexus of the White New Zealand Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) was investigated. Ten adult clinically healthy male and female white New Zealand rabbit were used for this study. By thoroughly dissection it was found that the brachial plexus of the white New Zealand rabbit was formed by ventral branches of C5, C6, C7, C8, T1 and T2 spinal nerves. The rami ventralis of C5 and T2 were divided into two branches. The caudal branch of C5 and cranial branch of T2 contributed to the brachial plexus. The caudal branch of C5 and C6 constituted the cranial trunk and the caudal trunk was formed by a branch which came from cranial trunk, rami ventralis of C7, C8, T1 and the cranial branch of ventral ramus of T2. Nerves orginated from caudal trunk, cranial pectoral nerves, constituted four branches spreading in pectoral muscles. Musculocutenoeus nerve gives ramus muscularis distalis to brachial muscle, center of antebrachium and medial cutaneous antebrachii muscle. Other branch divided into digital dorsal common I and II nerve at level of phalanx proxima. Axillary nerve gives a branch to subscapular muscle and ends as cranial cutaneous antebrachii. Radial nerve divided into two branches as ramus profundus and ramus superficial which was divided into digital dorsal common III and IV nerve and lateral cutaneus antebrachial nerve. Thoracodorsal nerve innervate the latissimus dorsi muscle. Median nerve was divided into digital dorsal common I, II, III and IV nerve. Ulnar nerve was divided into digital dorsal common IV and digital dorsal common V nerve after giving a branch, caudal cutaneous antebrachii. Lateral thoracic and caudal pectoral nerves orginated from caudal trunk, from which lateral thoracic nerve passed through pectoral ascendens muscle and caudal pectoral nerve gave two branches which spreaded to lower part of cutaneous trunci muscle and caudal part of pectoral ascendens muscle. Contribution of nerves emanating from brachial plexus distributed to the different muscles of the forearm resemble to porcupine and differ from those of rat, mouse and other mammals.
Appears in Collections:Clinical Report

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